FULLY SEEN offers services to enable you become more visible and to step into your creative power place with a magnetizing presence to share your wisdom & your gifts serving the world – building trust and connection with people while leading by example with grit, integrity and joy.
Hi, I’m Awi.
I can personally empathize with the doubts that show up when putting yourself and your work “out there”. It takes courage and as much willingness to fail as to succeed. A myriad of old trauma can be triggered in the pursuit to reveal ourselves from a place of vulnerability, power and truth. I’ve come to know how essential it is to support myself through the process – so that triggers don’t stop me but actually empower my journey and creativity with more clarity.
To be fully seen and to fully see – is a life task for me. I’m regularly facing my individual challenges with it. Creating my business »FULLY SEEN« and working with people around this topic in a practical creative and often playful intuitive way – has been a magical container and catalyst to revealing more courage, humility and a sense of deep reverence and trust in life.
What makes the revealing journey much easier is having companions to playfully navigate the resistances and shame issues and use them to creating something fun together.

Founder & Creatrix of FULLY SEEN
Brand Mentor & Designer,
Intuitve Artist
Born behind »The Wall« in East Germany I surely had no idea I would be leading an international project called FULLY SEEN 40 years later. However, looking back I see now how life has prepared me perfectly for this in weaving my soul’s »Golden Thread«, that for so many years I could not recognize or make sense of.
Secrecy and separation played a significant part from the moment I entered this world resulting in much confusion and doubt of my value to others. Like so many of us, I didn’t exactly grow up in a favorable environment for speaking one’s truth or pursing my passions freely. However, these circumstances turned out to be also the perfect conditions to learn to use more of my creativity and imagination to express myself and connect in other ways. These separation and secrecy challenges, despite the painful shadows they created, also pushed me to remember how to feel, sense and connect even more so with my heart to refine my perception, my visionary senses, my intuition and sensitivity so I could eventually receive, trust and follow my inner divine guidance on much deeper levels today.
I know what it feels like not to be seen and not to feel safe to reveal who I truly am. I’ve been holding myself back for a number of (sometimes good) reasons. I’ve experienced abandonment, physical violence, sexual abuse and still feel the terror and shame of being seen in ways I did not want to be seen. It took many years of inner work and lots of reassurance of fellow soulmate travelers and Bodhisattvas on the path to deal with the depression waves and to eventually learn to express, navigate and dance with my fears and my rage so I could free more of my souls’ essence and power. To honor my longing to be seen I created new experiences to speak my truth and be received in my intimate creative core more safely.
I’m tremendously grateful for the assistance and inspiration of beloved teachers, soul mates, fellow travelers and cosmic luminaries I’ve met in monasteries, healing schools, art schools, streets, forests, under water, on facebook, airplanes, movies, dance floors and many other places while exploring this world. Thanks to those who kept seeing my essence, reconfirmed me, held my hand and tickled my light by believing in me when I had a hard time seeing my own value. I see now how they have mirrored my own ability to see people’s essence and believe in them and their soul’s courage to carry out their soul aligned work in unique conscious and embodied ways.
Digging out all the gifts from so many soul shaping experiences, for a number of years I’ve deeply longed to connect the dots for myself, to see what picture these puzzle pieces shape into, to stir the alchemical cauldron many times to finally create a container for myself and others to bring together many talents and gifts in a unique and fun way to support myself, to stand on my own feet in service to others and a new way for Earth. I feel deeply connected to the magic of this planet, extremely sad about the disconnection we’ve created and therefore passionate to assist people reconnecting with their unique creative heart calling as an offering to this planet, to each other and to our own soul as an expression of the divine.
FULLY SEEN is a life project and will shape into many offers and experiences. I am delighted to guide you together with my creative playmates and highly gifted support team to experience the joy of being seen, recognized and valued for the amazing creation you are and the work you’ve been called to do.
Here is a video in which I share more of my personal path with branding.
Awi graduated 2007 from the Muthesius Academy of Art & Design, Kiel, Germany with a diploma in Communication Design. In her masters project »Nexus Neuronia – Neuronal Worlds, Structures and Potentials« she explored the interconnections of neuroscience & spirituality and designed of a modular book that would visualize brain structures and interconnections between neuro-scientific disciplines – using cartography, graphic design, art, and a unique book design.
From 2007-2014 she worked for various corporate design studios in Hamburg, Germany and transitioned to freelancing as a Graphic Designer working with corporate and NGO clients. She even moved to Geneva, Switzerland to work for the UN organization »International Trade Centre«.
Since 2012 she is an independent creative entrepreneur working exclusively with private clients in the field of personal development, creativity & conscious leadership to help them build a personal brand that resonates with their purpose and audience.
In 2014 she initiated FULLY SEEN – combining personal transformation and design services to enable coaches, healers, creatives and other change agents being authentically expressed, visible and present with their personal brand online to create resonance with potential clients.
Awi also loves to enable conscious creative entrepreneurs to use their challenges to empower and refine their creativity and artistic voice instead of feeling disempowered. She is facilitating events and journeys assisting people to use their intuitive creative expression to receive and strengthen their inner guidance and wisdom. Developing the inner trust and clarity to boost confidence to connect with audiences from the inner authentic power place to carry out catalizing work in the world and leading by example.
Since 2022 she is also integrating the systems of Human Design and Gene Keys to support clients creating more clarity with their personal branding and messaging. She is a Gene Keys Guide and certified as an Integrative Human Design Guide.
Awi is also known as an artist expressing through intuitive drawing, painting and photography among others. View Awi’s art work on her blog here.
In 2011 she developed an unique intuitive drawing technique to reconnect deeper with hidden emotions, subconscious motivations and discovered how to use this creative process as an inner guidance tool to get intuitive insights, liberating emotions and promote energetic clearing. She has been giving »Channeled Drawing Soul Readings« to a wide range of people from all walks of life and teaches this process to others through intuitive art adventures on- and offline.
After a 4 year long deep personal transformation journey Awi graduated 2013 from the Barbara Brennan School of Healing Europe in Bad Ischl, Austria as a certified professional energy healer. Founded by NASA scientist & researcher Dr. Barbara Ann Brennan (author of Hands of Light, Light Emerging, Core Light Healing) this training included psycho-spiritual development, energy anatomy & dynamics, various energy healing techniques, personal process facilitation and intuitive creative development. From 2009 – 2017 she worked with clients in her private healing practice offering energy healing and intuitive creative services like sound healing and channeled drawing to facilitate full spectrum health, purpose alignment and essence expansion.
From 2001-2003 Awi lived, studied & practiced full-time in the Sangha led by Zen-Master Venerable Thich Nhat Hanh in the Buddhist Temple, also known as »Plum Village« in the south of France. She became an ordained member of the »Order of Interbeing« in 2003. Besides the training of various mindfulness meditation practices and consciousness studies of Buddhist Psychology, she also facilitated groups of international practitioners and kids during retreats.
For a number of years before and during her studies of art & design Awi worked as a personal assistant and carer for people with physical disabilities in Germany as well as in the UK and as a nurse assistant in a private dialysis practice.
Awi also worked as a German language tutor during her studies at Sonoma State University, California, USA 1997-98.
Before her art history studies in Berlin, Germany Awi also trained as a restorer and worked as a painter between 1993-95. Fun Fact: One of things she did starting her career, was applying pure gold onto two 5 meter high Angel statues named »Phantasos« and »Eros« on top of the roof of the Art Academy in Dresden, Germany.
Awi is as much an inner explorer as she is a global traveller and curious explorer of nature, ancient cultures and sacred sites to spark her aliveness and creativity. Growing up in East Germany traveling was very limited but ever since the Wall fell in 1989 she traveled all over Europe, Iceland, Russia, North America, Mexico, Hawaii, Indonesia, Thailand, Mauritius, Israel and Egypt. Currently based in Hamburg, Germany she looks forward to keep exploring if possible to wherever spirit calls her to. That is why her work is location independent.
Here is a video excerpt from my “The Art of Revealing” program in which I share more of my personal path synthesizing my experiences, tools and gifts into a personal brand aka creative power place.

Soul Photographer
»If FULLY SEEN had existed already 3 years ago, I would have been the first client. At this time I was stuck in a dead-end-street. I was at a point in my life where nothing worked anymore – in my personal life and also in my career. I had been successful working as a photographer in the fashion world for over 15 years. (I defined success back as having a good income, owning an appartment, goin on great vacations, having a nice car, etc.) I wasn’t sure how to go on. I was depressed, unmotivated and blocked. There was no more passion. I did not know at all what was my heart calling and expression in this world.
Since there was no FULLY SEEN program back then, I started to look into myself and explore who “Uli” is and what his heart calling was. This inner exploration felt like a big pile of puzzle pieces that were scattered all around in the beginning. In the course of the last 3 years slowly these pieces came more together. I discovered at what place each puzzle piece had to be. Now I am looking at the whole picture in my own mirror. I see friends, passion, creativity, strength, authenticity and love in it. Now I see and feel who I am and what I want to express in this world. Now I dance again.
FULLY SEEN for me is an expression of this dance. I would love to share my discoveries and insights of the last years with FULLY SEEN clients – YOU-! I love to dance with my camera to bring your essence to light and to support you to present your heart clarity and heart project in images to be spread out into the world.«
Click on the images below to view more samples