Max Kaden
Max is a meditation and yoga teacher offering classes and organizing retreats worldwide with different spiritual teachers.
He needed to transfer his old website from a custom made html site to a Content Management System he could change content with himself. We translated his old site to a wordpress website and included a calendar system that would work with updates of weekly classes, seminars and workshops.
© 2019
Our Tasks
- Website Development

Max’s Experience
»Meine neue Webseite is up and running. Dankeschön Awi für die professionelle, kreative, fließende Reise dorthin. Die aufgenommenen Zoom-Sessions and die schnelle und individuelle Begleitung war super. Was mir Freude bereitet hat war, dass Du vorausschauend Vorschläge mit eingebaut hast, aus denen ich aussuchen bzw. aufbauen konnte. Denn es gibt ja so viele Möglichkeiten mit WordPress die Webseite zu gestalten. Jahrelang war ich auf einen Programmierer angewiesen. Nun update ich meine Webseite selbst.
Wärmsten zu empfehlen.«
»My new website is up and running. Thanks so much Awi for the professional, creative and flowing journey to get there. The recorded tutorials and the fast and individual coaching was super. What gave me joy was that you offered prospective suggestions I could choose from and built on. Because there are so many possibilities to design a website with wordpress. For years I was dependent on a programmer. Now I can update my website on my own. Warmly recommended.«